
Saturday, July 9, 2011


So our trip has been off to a hectic start. Moving out sapped whitney and I of a lot of our initial enthusiasm and whitney is still recovering from numerous bruises and physical scrapes (though she seems to be steadily accumulating more courtesy of our trailer :)) However, even with the craziness that has been the beginning, I think we're hanging on.

We've made it all the way to Spokane with few problems. Most of my problems have been physical stemming from a nasty sinus infection and special lady cramps. As a result I've been pretty grumpy and struggling with general irritation.

I'll post more at a later time. After a gym workout and shower its time for lunch before we head to idaho!

1 comment:

  1. I've been checking this journal almost daily now... hope AMSOIL worked out well for the Expedition! I also got a nasty sinus infection the day I left Olympia. Uncool. :(
